Cloud Security Solutions

Cloud Security Solutions

Cloud Security Assessment Services

Looking for cloud security assessment services? Choose PlutoSec to protect your sensitive data with thorough cloud security risk assessments.


Cloud Security Risk Assessment Services

Cloud software has rapidly become an essential component of the digital infrastructure for every major tech enterprise.

Organizations widely adopt cloud services to securely store sensitive data, making it an attractive target for cybercriminals. As attacks increase in this area, choosing robust security measures to safeguard your cloud infrastructure is crucial. PlutoSec specializes in cloud security risk assessments, offering expert services to effectively implement security controls for cloud-based solutions.

PlutoSec’s seasoned experts possess extensive experience in cloud security assessment, ensuring the thorough evaluation and enhancement of your cyber security controls. We deliver high-quality testing and auditing services, utilizing proven practices and data-driven techniques. Our team adheres strictly to industry standards to provide superior service quality.

To consistently achieve optimal results, we employ cloud security best practices and utilize both automated testing tools and manual methods to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your cloud platform. This proactive approach helps protect your business’s critical assets and maintain your competitive edge in the market.


PlutoSec’s Cloud Security Assessment focuses on the following areas:


    Overall security posture

We conduct interviews and thoroughly review documentation to assess the security of your organization’s cloud infrastructure.


  Access management

We review and update the entire access management system, including user accounts, roles, and key management practices.


  Network security

We assess segmentation and firewall policies to identify typical misconfigurations.


  Incident policies

We assess the current incident response policy concerning the cloud system, examining roles and procedures involved in managing incidents.


  Storage protection

We evaluate the protection of cloud infrastructure storage, encompassing object-level storage, block-level storage, and associated snapshots.


  Platform services protection

We assess the security configuration of advanced service offerings across all cloud providers.


  Workload security

We evaluate the security measures for workloads, including virtualized servers, server-hosted containers, and serverless architectures.


    What PlutoSec Offers


MCSL   Continuous Security Monitoring

Our cloud security best practices enhance protection for public clouds by pinpointing vulnerabilities stemming from misconfigurations, unauthorized access, and non-standard deployments. These services automate security monitoring according to rigorous industry standards, regulatory requirements, and cutting-edge technologies, mitigating costly risks such as exposed storage buckets, unrestricted security groups, and expired keys.


MCSL   Insights and Threat Prioritization

Due to the adaptable nature of cloud solutions, companies often struggle to prioritize threats effectively. Leveraging our established methods, we provide a comprehensive view of the security posture of cloud assets, encompassing vulnerabilities in cloud hosts, compliance obligations, and threat intelligence. This enables businesses to prioritize remediation efforts efficiently.


MCSL   Estimation of Infrastructure

PlutoSec’s cybersecurity experts analyze your company’s templates to detect security misconfigurations in resources intended for public cloud use. This assessment can occur during the development phase and just prior to deployment. Our DevOps engineers can engage earlier in the development lifecycle, effectively minimizing security risks after deployment.


MCSL   Check Security Posture

Our cloud security risk assessment services enable businesses to quickly assess their entire cloud inventory and understand the status and locations of assets. This provides a comprehensive overview of the security posture across all public cloud assets and resources.

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